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Experienced Researcher at the University of Barcelona

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, Φεβρουάριος 20, 2015

Starting Date: March/April 2015
Duration: 15 months (may be extended to 24)
Location: Barcelona University (UB), Barcelona, Spain
Salary: Marie Curie for ER<10

Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary qualifications in order to fill one (1) full time Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellow Position within the Barcelona University, Electronics Engineering Department in the fields of Internet of Things, 5G, Smart Cities, mHealth, wireless sensor networks, radio resource management, connectivity, stochastic processes.

The selected Marie Curie Experienced Researcher (ER<10) will work within the MC-IAPP-KINOPTIM project. KINOPTIM is a EU funded project that brings together six partners: three universities, and three companies. More info regarding the KINOPTIM project can be found in

Description of position

The Experienced Researcher recruited by UB will conduct research and will assist in the development of the KINOPTIM platform. More specifically, the researcher will work on some of the following items:

- Wireless protocols for IoT, 5G, Smart Cities and/or mHealth.
- Connectivity, stochastic processes, point processes, stochastic geometry.
- Distributed/centralized/ mechanisms and assessment of their scalability and energy efficiency.
- Radio Resource Management.
- Interference Management.
- Information theory and performance limits of wireless networks.
- Communication theory and system-level performance evaluation and optimization.

Applicants Profile
Applicants should comply with the requirements of MC-IAPP for experienced researcher with less than 10 years of experience (ER<10). At the time of recruitment by UB the researcher has to be in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience. Furthermore, the researcher has to have less than 10 years of full-time equivalent research experience.

Job applications should be sent via email to Ms Melani Gurdiel and have to include in the subject the phrase “KINOPTIM application”.
Deadline: 20 February 2015

For further details see the attached file.

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