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Online Course: Disability as a Human Rights Issue (MOOCs)

The course is offered in cooperation with Canvas Network, one of the leading providers of open online learning for everyone, everywhere. The platform is built with open, adaptable, reliable, native cloud technologies that empower learning in every context. With a user-friendly and innovative interface, the course offers an interactive and engaging learning experience without geographical limitations, allowing participants to enjoy being part of a truly global network of experts and committed human rights defenders. This online course provides the knowledge and skills participants need to answer such questions.

The course is divided into two modules:
Module 1: looks at the development of disability as a human rights issue at the global level and the application of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in areas such as education and independent living;
Module 2: enriches implementation issues with national perspectives, from Ireland to Argentina, from Kenya to Thailand.

What will you learn?
- Understand the development of disability as a human rights issue;
- Recognize and apply human rights standards related to disability from the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to national instruments;
- Appreciate the rights of persons with disabilities from a comparative perspective;
- Relate theoretical concepts and approaches regarding non-discrimination and equality to specific case studies, with particular attention on intersectional discrimination.

Students, practitioners, social workers from all over the world who are actively interested and engaged in disability work at different levels and wish to deepen their knowledge about a rights-based approach to disability.

How to enroll?
You can enroll in this course for free. The course lasts from September 12 till October 24 2016. To earn the certificate, participation in 4 weekly discussions and completion of 2 quizzes is required.

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Online Course: Disability as a Human Rights Issue (MOOCs)

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