Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για Υποτροφίες στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.
Επιστήμες Μηχανικών (26 θέσεις)
1 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Machine Learning for Big Data. Prof. Alex Jung |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
2 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Research on Computing Education and Educational Technology. Prof. Lauri Malmi |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
3 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Algorithm Theory and Engineering. Prof. Petteri Kaski |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
4 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Algorithms for Graph Analysis and Network Inference. Prof. Aristides Gionis |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
5 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Systems Security (2 positions). Prof. N. Asokan |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
6 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Games and Virtual/mixed Reality, with an Emphasis on Exergames and Human Movement. Prof. Perttu Hämäläinen |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
7 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Emotional Virtual Agents. Prof. Tapio Takala |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
8 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Machine Learning for Precision Medicine and Digital Health. Prof. Samuel Kaski |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
9 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Bayesian Inference and Gaussian Processes. Prof. Aki Vehtari |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
10 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Computer Vision. Prof. Juho Kannala |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
11 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things. Prof. Mario Di Francesco |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
12 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Vision & AI Based Mobile Computing Systems. Prof. Antti Ylä-Jääski |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
13 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Formal Methods; Computer-aided Verification; Machine Learning and Program Synthesis; Cyber-physical Systems. Prof. Stavros Tripakis |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
14 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Algorithms for the Design of RNA Nanostructures. Prof. Pekka Orponen |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
15 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Probabilistic Machine Learning. Prof. Samuel Kaski |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
16 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Foundations of Distributed Computing for Big Data. Prof. Keijo Heljanko |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
17 |
PhD Student (m/f) - FPGA Development for High-speed Data Acquisition and Analysis |
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Germany |
18 |
PhD position: Reducing photon entropy loss for improved solar cells |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/11/2017 |
19 |
PhD candidate 'Deep Learning in Neurotrauma Imaging' |
Radboudumc (university medical center) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/10/2017 |
20 |
Postdoc 'Deep Learning in Neurotrauma Imaging' |
Radboudumc (university medical center) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/10/2017 |
21 |
PhD position: Development of a soft robotic heart |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/11/2017 |
22 |
PhD position: Contacts for perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/11/2017 |
23 |
PhD candidate: Multi-physics Design of Metamaterial-Based Measurement Systems |
Delft University of Technology |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 15/10/2017 |
24 |
6 Post-Doctoral Positions - Department of Architecture |
National University of Singapore |
Singapore |
25 |
2 fully funded PhD positions in collaboration with an industrial partner (EngD programme @ UCL Biochemical Engineering) |
University College London |
United Kingdom |
26 |
Fully Funded PhD Studentship |
Bournemouth University |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 18/10/2017 |
Επιστήμη Πληροφορικής (22 θέσεις)
1 |
Post-Doc Position - Biodiversity Genomics Research Group |
Beijing Genomics Institute |
China |
2 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Machine Learning for Big Data. Prof. Alex Jung |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
3 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Research on Computing Education and Educational Technology. Prof. Lauri Malmi |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
4 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Algorithm Theory and Engineering. Prof. Petteri Kaski |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
5 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Algorithms for Graph Analysis and Network Inference. Prof. Aristides Gionis |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
6 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Systems Security (2 positions). Prof. N. Asokan |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
7 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Games and Virtual/mixed Reality, with an Emphasis on Exergames and Human Movement. Prof. Perttu Hämäläinen |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
8 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Emotional Virtual Agents. Prof. Tapio Takala |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
9 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Machine Learning for Precision Medicine and Digital Health. Prof. Samuel Kaski |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
10 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Bayesian Inference and Gaussian Processes. Prof. Aki Vehtari |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
11 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Computer Vision. Prof. Juho Kannala |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
12 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things. Prof. Mario Di Francesco |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
13 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Vision & AI Based Mobile Computing Systems. Prof. Antti Ylä-Jääski |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
14 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Formal Methods; Computer-aided Verification; Machine Learning and Program Synthesis; Cyber-physical Systems. Prof. Stavros Tripakis |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
15 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Algorithms for the Design of RNA Nanostructures. Prof. Pekka Orponen |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
16 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Probabilistic Machine Learning. Prof. Samuel Kaski |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
17 |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science - Foundations of Distributed Computing for Big Data. Prof. Keijo Heljanko |
Aalto University |
Finland |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
18 |
PhD Student (m/f) - FPGA Development for High-speed Data Acquisition and Analysis |
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Germany |
19 |
PhD candidate 'Deep Learning in Neurotrauma Imaging' |
Radboudumc (university medical center) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/10/2017 |
20 |
Postdoc 'Deep Learning in Neurotrauma Imaging' |
Radboudumc (university medical center) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/10/2017 |
21 |
PhD position: Comparative genomics of placenta development in livebearing fish |
Wageningen University & Research |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
22 |
Fully Funded PhD Studentship |
Bournemouth University |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 18/10/2017 |
Οικονομικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)
1 |
SYLFF-Mikrokolleg „Forced Migration“ - 2 grants for doctoral researchers |
RUB Research School |
Germany |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
Νομική Επιστήμη (1 θέση)
1 |
SYLFF-Mikrokolleg „Forced Migration“ - 2 grants for doctoral researchers |
RUB Research School |
Germany |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
Επιστήμες Υγείας (3 θέσεις)
1 |
PhD student FHML/School for Cardiovascular Diseases/CARIM-department of Internal Medicine |
Maastricht University (UM) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 17/9/2017 |
2 |
Postdoc Food Systems and Healthier Diets |
Wageningen University & Research |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 19/9/2017 |
3 |
Fully Funded PhD Studentship |
Bournemouth University |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 18/10/2017 |
Επιστήμες Ζωής (13 θέσεις)
1 |
Post-Doc Position - Biodiversity Genomics Research Group |
Beijing Genomics Institute |
China |
2 |
Postdoctoral Position (m/f) - Pathogen-Mediated Modulation of Innate Immunity |
BioMed X Innovation Center |
Germany |
DeadLine : 29/9/2017 |
3 |
PhD student FHML/School for Cardiovascular Diseases/CARIM-department of Internal Medicine |
Maastricht University (UM) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 17/9/2017 |
4 |
PhD candidate 'Deep Learning in Neurotrauma Imaging' |
Radboudumc (university medical center) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/10/2017 |
5 |
Postdoc 'Deep Learning in Neurotrauma Imaging' |
Radboudumc (university medical center) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/10/2017 |
6 |
Postdoc 'Genome editing to study metabolism in Glycosylation Disorders' |
Radboudumc (university medical center) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 7/9/2017 |
7 |
Postdoc Food Systems and Healthier Diets |
Wageningen University & Research |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 19/9/2017 |
8 |
PhD position: Comparative genomics of placenta development in livebearing fish |
Wageningen University & Research |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
9 |
PostDoc ‘Engineering models to study the tumor microenvironment’ |
VU University Medical Center |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 18/9/2017 |
10 |
Postdoctoral Research Scientist - Toxicology Unit |
Medical Research Council |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 27/9/2017 |
11 |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant - School of Biological and Chemical Sciences |
Queen Mary University of London |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 1/10/2017 |
12 |
Fully Funded PhD Studentship |
Bournemouth University |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 18/10/2017 |
13 |
Post Doctoral Researcher - Wexner Medical Center |
Ohio State University |
United States |
Περιβαλλοντικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)
1 |
6 Post-Doctoral Positions - Department of Architecture |
National University of Singapore |
Singapore |
Κοινωνικές Επιστήμες (2 θέσεις)
1 |
SYLFF-Mikrokolleg „Forced Migration“ - 2 grants for doctoral researchers |
RUB Research School |
Germany |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
2 |
2 Postdoctoral Positions - How ‘Terrorists’ Learn |
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology |
Germany |
DeadLine : 31/10/2017 |
Γεωπονικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)
1 |
Postdoc Food Systems and Healthier Diets |
Wageningen University & Research |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 19/9/2017 |
Πολιτικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)
1 |
SYLFF-Mikrokolleg „Forced Migration“ - 2 grants for doctoral researchers |
RUB Research School |
Germany |
DeadLine : 24/9/2017 |
Θετικές Επιστήμες (18 θέσεις)
1 |
Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Modelling and Simulation |
UNSW Sydney |
Australia |
DeadLine : 15/9/2017 |
2 |
PhD Student (m/f) - FPGA Development for High-speed Data Acquisition and Analysis |
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Germany |
3 |
Postdoctoral Position (m/f) - Pathogen-Mediated Modulation of Innate Immunity |
BioMed X Innovation Center |
Germany |
DeadLine : 29/9/2017 |
4 |
Postdoctoral Fellow - Single Molecule Biophysics Super-resolution Microscopy of Protein Dynamics |
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) |
Germany |
DeadLine : 1/10/2017 |
5 |
PhD position: Reducing photon entropy loss for improved solar cells |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/11/2017 |
6 |
PhD student FHML/School for Cardiovascular Diseases/CARIM-department of Internal Medicine |
Maastricht University (UM) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 17/9/2017 |
7 |
Postdoc position: Interaction of low-energy electrons with hybrid thin films |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/11/2017 |
8 |
PhD candidate 'Deep Learning in Neurotrauma Imaging' |
Radboudumc (university medical center) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/10/2017 |
9 |
Postdoc 'Deep Learning in Neurotrauma Imaging' |
Radboudumc (university medical center) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/10/2017 |
10 |
PhD position: Development of a soft robotic heart |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/11/2017 |
11 |
PhD position: Contacts for perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 28/11/2017 |
12 |
PhD candidate: Multi-physics Design of Metamaterial-Based Measurement Systems |
Delft University of Technology |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 15/10/2017 |
13 |
Postdoc Food Systems and Healthier Diets |
Wageningen University & Research |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 19/9/2017 |
14 |
PostDoc ‘Engineering models to study the tumor microenvironment’ |
VU University Medical Center |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 18/9/2017 |
15 |
Postdoctoral Research Scientist - Toxicology Unit |
Medical Research Council |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 27/9/2017 |
16 |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant - School of Biological and Chemical Sciences |
Queen Mary University of London |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 1/10/2017 |
17 |
Research Fellow - Particle Physics |
University of Birmingham |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 25/9/2017 |
18 |
Post-doctoral Research Associate – Magnetic Fields |
University of Iowa |
United States |
Ανθρωπιστικές Επιστήμες (3 θέσεις)
1 |
2 Postdoctoral Positions - How ‘Terrorists’ Learn |
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology |
Germany |
DeadLine : 31/10/2017 |
2 |
6 Post-Doctoral Positions - Department of Architecture |
National University of Singapore |
Singapore |
3 |
Fully Funded PhD Studentship |
Bournemouth University |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 18/10/2017 |
Ιατρική Επιστήμη (3 θέσεις)
1 |
PhD student FHML/School for Cardiovascular Diseases/CARIM-department of Internal Medicine |
Maastricht University (UM) |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 17/9/2017 |
2 |
Postdoc Food Systems and Healthier Diets |
Wageningen University & Research |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 19/9/2017 |
3 |
PostDoc ‘Engineering models to study the tumor microenvironment’ |
VU University Medical Center |
Netherlands |
DeadLine : 18/9/2017 |