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Three (3) Postdoctoral Positions in Water Resources, University of Concepción, Spain (2015)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Μάρτιος 25, 2015

The Research Team of the project CRHIAM (CONICYT/FONDAP/15130015) is offering three postdoctoral positions for the year 2015 at Universidad de Concepción (Concepción/Chillán-Chile).

The research projects should be directed towards the following areas of the Center:

- Evaluation of the availability of water resources (Evaluation of quantity and quality of water resources for agriculture and mining, including seawater as a water source for mining).
- Demand of water resources (Characterization of the demand and water management in crops and orchards, management of water resources in agriculture. Optimization of water resources, integrated service of water irrigation, automation of irrigation systems. Optimization of water recovery in copper concentration processes; mathematical modeling of flocculation, thickening and flotation tailings).
- Technologies for sustainable water management; Biotechnological and/or physical-chemical systems for the treatment and management (e.g. recovery, reuse, etc.) of water in mining and agriculture.
- Water resources and society: Conflict analysis, water user organizations, ecosystemic services, monitoring program design.

The positions are for one year, with the commitment to generate publications, and do not involve teaching duties. Possibility to apply for national grants in case of a longer stay is also open. The positions are available from April 1, 2015. The monthly fee is $1.300.000. (Chilean pesos).

Further details:

Επίπεδο Εκπαίδευσης Υποτροφιών: 
Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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