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23-27/4/2015- Training Course: We are accredited for EVS...What is next? (CEULAJ – Mollina (Málaga), Spain)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Μάρτιος 17, 2015

We are accredited for EVS... What is next? is a non-formal education Training Course Activity that aims to support professionals responsible for the management of EVS projects and activities within organizations recently accredited or have applied for accreditation (EVS Sending, Host and/or Coordinating).

The specific objectives are:
1. Improve knowledge of the ERASMUS+ Program and specifically of the KA1 Youth Mobility - European Voluntary Service;
2. To facilitate the understanding of the concept of non-formal learning and knowledge required for the use of Youthpass;
3. To understand in a practical way the development of an EVS project, the documents associated with their management in its various phases and the distribution of responsibilities among the various stakeholders involved;
4. To identify doubts and difficulties common to all entities in their daily work managing projects of the KA1 Youth Mobility - European Voluntary Service and resolve among all with an emphasis on the need for an active collaboration between the National Agencies and the organizations.
5. To facilitate and encourage the sharing of experiences and knowledge of best practices in project management (if applicable);

This Training Course is designed for participants who are:
+ Responsible for the EVS project management in recently accredited organizations (Sending, Host and Coordinating);
+ EVS support people (Youth workers, Youth leaders, EVS mentors/ tutors) who recently have joined the EVS project management in organizations with experience;
+ Responsible of organizations that have submitted an Expression of Interest form;
+ People able to understand and communicate in English;
+ Above 18 years old.

The methodology of this Training Course is based on experiential learning and non-formal education, in an atmosphere where participants can learn from each other (peer to peer learning) and feel empowered to initiate their projects.
As in previous editions, the practical issues will be worked in small groups and the theoretical topics both in plenary and small group. Spaces for participants to share experiences will be provided as it has been noted that in this way participants are more actively involved in the course. Additionally, open sessions will be held so they can raise concerns or problems on EVS related projects and activities SVE.

Participants support materials will be provided both to work during the course so that they can use in their respective organizations.

Πηγή: http:

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Οικονομικό Καθεστώς Προγράμματος Διά Βίου Μάθησης: 
Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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