As part of the project »MEDAS 21 – Global Media Assistance: Applied Research, Improved Practice in the 21 Century«, sponsored by Volkswagen Foundation, the universities in Dortmund, Bochum and Duisburg-Essen (University Alliance Ruhr) award:
7 PhD scholarships Project period: 07/2018 – 06/2022 | Remuneration: TV-L 13 (65 %)
The graduate school MEDAS 21 is successful participant in the program »Science and Professional Practice in Graduate Education« launched by the Volkswagen Foundation. An integral part of the program is the close connection of scientific dissertation projects with specific problems of practitioners, especially in the field of media development assistance (MDA). Future project partners will be Deutsche Welle Academy, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, African Media Initiative (AMI), Catholic Media Council (CAMECO), Media in Cooperation and Transition (MiCT) and Fondation Hirondelle. The cooperation includes a joint doctoral dissertation project and an up to oneyear residence at the respective partner institution.
Qualifications and profile: Excellent university degree in Communication or Media Studies, Journalism or related subjects (e.g. Political Science); interest in inter-/transnational and inter-/transcultural communication, and social development related issues in the context of media and communication; excellent knowledge of English, good knowledge of German is advantageous, French or Spanish proficiency is welcome depending on the project.