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PhD Positions in Hypoxia Signaling, Alternative Splicing & Metabolism in Cancer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2015-2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Ιούνιος 10, 2015

Applications are invited for PhD student positions available in the Laboratory of Cell Signaling and Disease Biology (Prof. Dr. W. Krek) at the Institute of Molecular Health Sciences at ETH Zurich (

PhD Student Positions – Hypoxia Signaling, Alternative Splicing and Metabolism in Cancer (100%)

The Laboratory of Cell Signaling and Disease Biology is pursuing research projects aimed at understanding how hypoxia stress signaling impacts on gene-regulatory and metabolic circuits in diverse cell types and how these hypoxia-driven adaptive changes generate the distinct phenotypic cell states that underlie the development of human disease. Within this context, the successful candidates will investigate emerging linkages between hypoxia signaling, alternative splicing and metabolism and their roles in tumor development. These investigations will involve the application of state-of-the-art discovery technologies including (single-cell) genomics and CRISPR/Cas-based screening coupled with systematic and functional studies in advanced cell systems (3D-microtissues; mouse and human organoids), patient-derived samples and mouse models of cancer. The positions offer excellent scientific opportunities in a highly stimulating and interdisciplinary environment involving close interactions between scientists from different disciplines.

Applicants should hold a masters degree with a strong background in molecular biology, genetics and/or cell biology, be highly motivated, dedicated to perform research of the highest quality and excited about science. Applicants pursuing an MD/PhD degree are particularly encouraged to apply. The position is located at the newly-built Institute of Molecular Health Sciences at the ETH Hönggerberg, a world-leading institution in basic and applied research.

Further details:

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