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23-27/3/2015- 4th International Virtual Conference 2015, Slovakia

The 4th ICTIC 2015 is an International Virtual Conference sponsored by Thomson Ltd, Slovakia with support of Faculty of Management Science and Informatics at the University of Žilina in Slovakia. This conference is organized on behalf of Faculty of Management Science and Informatics and it is well established scientific event with tradition.

The aim of this conference is to provide a worldwide forum, where international participants can share their knowledge and ideas on the recent and latest research and map out the directions for scientific community, in following main areas:

Management and Marketing
Economy, Business and Financing
General computer science
Applied Informatics
ICT has positive impact on rapid growing of non ICT disciplines

The detailed description of discussed sections can be found under discussed sections. The vision of the conference is to propose an opportunity for researchers to look for a bridge between ICT on one side and other disciplines on the other side and therefore we highlight the last main section.

Conference information

* The conference language is English only (author must ensure the text is written in high standard of formal English).
*The article must not be under evaluation by other publishers and it must bring novel approaches, methods, results, etc.
*Registration is very straightforward, (read instructions for registration).
*Articles are accepted only until February 21, 2015.
*Each article will be evaluated by Reviewers - Scientific Committee and Technical Committee.
*The conference starts on the March 23, 2015 (conference dates).
*The conference materials contain: conference proceedings with ISSN, ISBN, certificate of attendance, inclusion in online archive and post conference processing (indexing and abstracting, archiving, etc.).
*We invite also scientists to become a reviewer (call for reviewers).
*Conference fee, which cover all previously mentioned points and administration is 130 Eur for authors. The fee for visitors without article is 30 Eur.

More information is available at

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