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Five (5) PhD Scholarships in Mathematics for A Sustainable Society, University of Nottingham, UK (2015-2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, Σεπτέμβριος 11, 2015

Applications are invited for five fully funded 4-year PhD studentships in the new Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarships programme Mathematics for A Sustainable Society (MASS). MASS aims to help tackle the ongoing global problems of food shortages, water scarcity and insufficient clean energy, by using mathematics to help understand and optimise resource use through predictive modelling, statistical analysis and uncertainty quantification.

A range of projects are available, with applications including developing improved food crops, bioenergy sources and biological methods to clean contaminated water; relating human behaviour to water quality; the physics and engineering of decarbonized energy systems (including demand, storage, supply and control); and consumer choice and the wider policy implications of more sustainable resource management. All projects will be co-supervised by staff from the School of Mathematical Sciences and one or more academics from partner schools.

The Leverhulme Doctoral Scholars, who will be based in the new £7m Mathematical Sciences Building, will be exposed to an outstanding and vibrant research environment in mathematics, resource science, engineering and social sciences, with excellent opportunities for international engagement. At the end of their PhD, the Scholars will be eligible to apply for an additional one-year post-doctoral prize, funded by The University of Nottingham, to help establish their independent research careers.

Further details:

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