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INELI-Balkans Training Program for Public Library Employees

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Ιούνιος 30, 2015

The INELI-Balkans Training program aims to enable high-potential public library employees to develop and sustain a network of public libraries in the Balkan region that will encourage knowledge-sharing, experimentation with new ideas and collaboration. Trainees will be provided with the additional exposure and personal development necessary to progress rapidly within their organization, to introduce and run new library services, to form and sustain high-performance national and international partnerships and to engage actively in INELI-Balkans. At the end of the program, trainees will have gained the leadership and practical skills to sustain the INELI-Balkans beyond the scope of the project.

Program Activities Include:
Extensive online training - Τhe training will focus on further developing the ability of emerging library Innovators to share knowledge, provide strategic planning, collaborate and develop Project Plans for new library services. Trainees will be guided by expert trainers and mentors from the library field and beyond, through the dedicated e-learning courses, their participation in the discussion e-forum, webinars, practical exercises and through interaction and twinning activities. The e-learning curriculum is developed by Future Library, in collaboration with INELI-Balkans Ambassadors and expert trainers.
Networking events - Three annual Convenings, which will include live training workshops, study visits, mentorship by library field experts and time for socializing, will enrich the experience of INELI-Balkans participants and the trust between them.
Pilot Library Service Implementation Successful Project Plans for new services developed by trainees will receive seed funding and administrative support for their pilot implementation. The pilot trainee Project phase will be monitored and evaluated and the results documented and disseminated as ‘lessons learned’ and as a reference for future plans.

Deadline Application: 30-06-2015

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