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PhD & Postdoctoral Fellowships, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland (2015)

Ιουν 06, 2015 13:35

Several fellowships, both at the graduate and postdoctoral level are available in a project on bio-inspired computation and robotics. The project integrates models of computational networks (genetic networks, spiking neural networks) with models of mobile and soft robots. We will use a software platform for the evolution of computational networks created by the team led by Prof. Borys Wrobel at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland) in close collaboration with the group led by Dr. Volker Steuber at the University of Hertfordshire (UK).

LAM Foundation Research Awards for International Applicants, USA (2015)

Ιουν 06, 2015 13:27

The LAM Foundation invites applications for research awards that include postdoctoral fellowships, established investigator awards and pilot project awards. Candidates for LAM Foundation awards must have at least two years of research experience, an MD, PhD, or equivalent degree, and perform their work in a laboratory with established expertise in smooth muscle biology, genetics of tuberous sclerosis or other LAM-related areas. Fellowships and established investigator awards provide a maximum of $50,000 per year, renewable for up to two additional years.

International PhD Scholarship in Protein Biotechnology, BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria (2015)

Ιουν 06, 2015 13:14

Applications are invited for PhD scholarship in Protein Biotechnology from highly qualified applicants from all over the world at BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. Applicants must hold an undergraduate degree equivalent to a master (corresponding to 300 ECTS) which would qualify them to start a PhD thesis in their home country. Students will receive funding according to the salary scheme of the Austrian Science Fund. The salary is guaranteed for the proposed 3-year duration of the thesis work.

Eight (8) PhD Positions in Computational Systems Biology, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany (2015)

Ιουν 06, 2015 12:22

Biology has developed into a quantitative, information-driven science. We are seeking doctoral students for the DFG-funded Research Training Group "Computational Systems Biology" (CSB) which focuses on the system-level understanding of biological data using computational methods.


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