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3 PhD & 1 Postdoctoral Positions, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2016-2017)

Ιουλ 19, 2016 10:28

The newly created ETH chair for the history and philosophy of mathematical sciences (D-GESS) is looking for Up to 3 PhD students and 1 Postdoctoral Researcher in history and philosophy of mathematical sciences

PhD Fellowships in Law, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark (2017)

Ιουλ 19, 2016 10:06

The Department of Law is pleased to announce the opening of a number of PhD fellowships in law. The positions are located in Odense and will be vacant from 1 February 2017 or soon after.

The PhD programme is a research training programme at the highest international level. As a PhD fellow you will define your own project and take an active part in national as well as international research environments. You will also gain teaching and research dissemination and the special PhD training programme will give you a wide range of professional skills.

26-29/04/2017 - 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (Portugal)

Ιουλ 19, 2016 09:38

The purpose of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the advances and business applications of information systems.

The conference will take place between 26 - 29 April, 2017.

27-28/04/2017 - 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (Portugal)

Ιουλ 19, 2016 09:16

The International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management aims at creating a meeting point of researchers and practitioners that address new challenges in geo-spatial data sensing, observation, representation, processing, visualization, sharing and managing, in all aspects concerning both information communication and technologies (ICT) as well as management information systems and knowledge-based systems.


Εγγραφή στο Εξωτερικό


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