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PhD Scholarships for the International PhD Program in Life Sciences, LabEx MemoLife, France (2015-2016)

Μαρ 19, 2015 11:16

An international PhD program in Life Sciences is proposed to foreign students with a strong background in Biology or related disciplines.

Those with a level corresponding to a US-type bachelor degree or European-type M1 degree will enter the program at the M2 level. During their first year , they will follow a complete set of advanced courses and perform short (2-3 months) internships in two different laboratories. At the end of this first year, they will choose a laboratory for a three-year PhD.

45 Dean’s Master Scholarships for International Students, Bournemouth University, UK (2015-2016)

Μαρ 19, 2015 11:03

Bournemouth University is awarding up to 45 dean scholarships for international students to pursue full-time taught postgraduate courses. Scholarship includes 50% fee reduction. The following types of Dean scholarships are awarded: Business School scholarships to students from ASEAN and other countries for MBA and other business courses; Media School scholarships for international students; School of Tourism scholarships for UK/EU students; Faculty of Science & Technology scholarships and School of Health & Social Care scholarships.

Cate Haste Master Scholarships, University of Sussex, UK (2015-2016)

Μαρ 19, 2015 10:52

If you would like to study in University of Sussex, United Kingdom and pursue Full Time Masters Program in Digital Documentary, Digital Media, Film Making, Journalism & Documentary Practice, Media Practice for Development & Social Change, Multimedia Journalism (15/16 Journalism), Film Studies, Gender & Media Studies, International Journalism, Journalism & Media Studies & Media & Cultural Studies you can avail Cate Haste Scholarships which is being offered by the School of Media, Film and Music.

Postdoctoral Positions in Bioinformatics, University of Haifa, Israel (2015-2016)

Μαρ 19, 2015 10:47

Looking for independent, motivated candidates with a proven background in bioinformatics and biology and good analytical skills, to reveal the mechanisms of cancer-resistance and anti-cancer activity of the Israeli Subterranean, Blind Mole-Rat, Spalax


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