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Μεταπτυχιακά Προγράμματα

MSc Program in Intelligent Critical Infrastructure Systems

Φεβ 17, 2021 17:18

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Cyprus, in collaboration with the KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence and Imperial College London, are announcing the First Call of applications for 2021, for the MSc Program in Intelligent Critical Infrastructure Systems. For the academic year 2021-2022, five merit-based scholarships will be offered to successful applicants accepted to the programme, to cover 50% of their tuition fees.

AIMS Structured Master’s Program

Ιαν 26, 2021 09:54

The AIMS Structured Master’s Program runs over three semesters. The requisite skills phase of the AIMS course builds a standard core set of problem-solving skills: estimation, computation, approximation, modelling, data analysis and statistics. The elective review phase allows students to apply these skills in some of the most exciting areas of science.

Fast track program from BSc to MSc and PhD: "FOKUS Life Sciences"

Ιαν 08, 2021 18:27

It is rather unusual to announce a master's program on ResearchGate. However, our international fast track program "FOKUS Life Sciences" is looking for excellent, research minded and ambitious graduates with (at least) a bachelor's degree, who cannot wait to enter the lab for a doctoral project, and might therefore already be active on this platform. Of course, we are also glad if readers at more advanced career stages forward this information to students who might fit the bill.


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