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CISAC International Fellowships, Stanford University, USA (2016-2017)

Αυγ 07, 2015 22:15

Applications are invited for CISAC International Fellowships at Stanford University. CISAC welcomes applications from women, minorities and citizens of all countries. CISAC Fellows spend the academic year engaged in research and writing, and are encouraged to participate in seminars and to interact and collaborate with leading faculty and researchers. Past predoctoral fellows have received stipends in the range of $25,000 to $28,000; postdoctoral fellows have received stipends in the range of $48,000 to $66,000.

PhD Positions for the International PhD Program in Informatics, Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Austria (2015-2016)

Αυγ 07, 2015 22:00

The Joint JKU/UAS International PhD Program in Informatics supports international (typically non-German-speaking) PhD students at Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) and University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (UAS), Campus Hagenberg with most aspects of successfully finishing a PhD at JKU. Students are integrated in the normal Doctorate Degree Program in Technical Sciences at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences. The normative length of the program is 6 semesters (3 years), although students may take longer if required.

Four (4) PhD Scholarships, Graduate School "Human Development in Landscapes", Kiel University, Germany (2016)

Αυγ 07, 2015 21:45

Research at the Graduate School addresses interactions between physical and social landscapes and examines how landscapes serve as a dynamic arena that catalyzes human activity in space and time. In particular, the Graduate School focuses on the role of environment, social relationships, material culture, subsistence, population dynamics, and human perceptions in promoting change in ancient societies and landscapes.

PhD Positions in RNA Biology, University of Regensburg, Germany (2015-2016)

Αυγ 07, 2015 21:41

The University of Regensburg with its over 22,000 students is an innovative and interdisciplinary university, which provides a broad variety of research projects and disciplines for German and foreign students. The collaborative research center SFB960 investigates different aspects of the exciting field of RNA – protein complex formation and function in various model organisms.


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