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Nine (9) PhD Positions in Physics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany (2015)

Μάιος 26, 2015 11:33

The International Research Training Group (IRTG) 2101 Guided light, tightly packed: novel concepts, components and applications at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena offers 9 doctoral student (PhD) positions

PhD Positions in Polymeric Biomaterials and their Biological Evaluation, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany (2015)

Μάιος 26, 2015 09:33

The Institute of Biomaterial Science in Teltow of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht invites applications as PhD students (m/f) - in the field of polymeric biomaterials and their biological evaluation. The positions are planned for 3-years and will be initially a 1-year fixed term contract with subsequent evaluation.

Five (5) PhD Fellowships in Aquatic Biosciences, University of Nordland, Norway (2015)

Μάιος 26, 2015 09:28

5 PhD fellowships in aquatic biosciences are available at the University of Nordland

- PhD fellowship in Seagrass metagenomics
- PhD fellowship in developmental transcriptomics
- PhD fellowship in marine genomics and benthic ecology
- PhD fellowship in intestinal microbiota of Atlantic salmon
- PhD fellowship in Marine Ecology: ecosystem effects of aquaculture

Further details:

PhD Positions in Aerosol Technology, Lund University, Sweden (2015)

Μάιος 26, 2015 09:24

The main task is to devote yourself to your own research training which includes both graduate courses and participation in research projects. The appointment also includes involvement in teaching and other departmental work (maximum 20%). Employment is limited to 5 years (at 20% departmental duties). More information about the division is available on our website A substantial part of the research is expected to be experimental, but also theoretical modeling and analysis of data is included.


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