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PhD Scholarships in Mathematics, Applied & Computational Mathematics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden (2015-2016)

Απρ 27, 2015 11:58

KTH Engineering Sciences carries out a wide range of research at the international front line, from fundamental disciplines such as physics and mathematics, to engineering mechanics with applications such as aeronautics and vehicle engineering. We also offer University degree programs in Engineering Physics, Vehicle Engineering, and ‘Open Entrance’, as well as a number of International Masters Programmes.
Job description

Twenty (20) PhD Scholarships, University of East London (UEL), UK (2015-2016)

Απρ 27, 2015 11:01

University of East London (UEL) is offering up to 20 Excellence PhD Studentships starting in September 2015. The studentship is for a period of three years with a maintenance allowance of £16,057 for the 2015-16 academic years, plus a training bursary of £2,000. To be eligible for PhD study, applicants are normally expected to have either a first or second class Bachelors degree with honours or a Masters degree from a UK University.

Master & PhD Students in Computer Science, Sabanci University, Turkey (2015)

Απρ 27, 2015 10:35

We are looking for MSc and PhD students for two TUBITAK research projects starting in Sept 2015. The projects are related to finite state automata, directed graphs, multi-core and GPU programming, FPGA implementation. Note that, different students can focus on different parts of the projects, therefore you don't need to have a background/interest in all of these topics.

Students with a BSc degree in CS, EE, or MATH are good fits for the research topics that will be addressed in these projects.

PhD Positions in Computer Science, Saarland University, Germany (2015-2016)

Απρ 24, 2015 14:18

The Saarbrücken Graduate School of Computer Science is funded by the German Excellence Initiative and comprises all doctoral education and training in computer science at Saarland University in collaboration with 7 internationally recognized research institutes on campus. We are:


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