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Master & PhD Scholarships, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan (2015-2016)

Μαρ 26, 2015 12:19

If you would like to study in Taipei Medical University, Taiwan and pursue Full Time Doctoral and Master’s Program in any Subject you can avail Taipei Medical University International Student Scholarships which is being offered by Taipei Medical University.

This is a Doctoral and Master’s Program Merit Based Scholarship and students are eligible from International Students to apply for the same.

PhD Scholarships for the PhD Program in Demographical changes, physical planning and transport demand, Roskilde University, Denmark (2015-2016)

Μαρ 26, 2015 12:13

The PhD study will be a part of the COMETS project (Co-Management of Energy and Transport Systems). The aim of COMETS is to develop a decision support system for reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the Danish transport sector, and ultimately moving towards a transportation sector free of fossil fuels. COMETS is a collaboration between DTU Management, DTU Transport, Roskilde University, and other Danish, Irish and Italian partners. It is financed by Det strategiske forskningsråd, now Innovationsfonden.

Thirteen (13) PhD Scholarships, Technical University of Berlin & Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Germany (2015-2016)

Μαρ 26, 2015 11:36

UWI is a research training group of engineers and natural scientists focusing on ‘urban water interfaces’, which will play key roles in the urban water cycle. The processes and fluxes across interfaces are highly complex and their current understanding is notably incomplete. Understanding the functioning of natural interfaces and technical interfaces requires a broader integrative framework than is commonly used. This calls for interdisciplinary approaches, especially for processes at interfaces between natural and technical compartments, such as bank filtration.

Seven (7) PhD Scholarships, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Aston University, UK (2015-2016)

Μαρ 25, 2015 00:19

The Aston School of Engineering and Applied Science invites applications for its three-year PhD studentships within the Computer Science Research Group. The successful applicant will join the newly formed Aston Institute for Systems Analytics. This studentship includes a fee bursary to cover the home/EU fees rate plus a maintenance allowance of £15,500 in 2014/15 paid in monthly installments. Applicants from outside the EU may apply for this studentship but will need to pay the difference between the ‘Home/EU’ and the ‘Overseas’ tuition fees, currently this is £10,914 in 2014/15.


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