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PhD Position on Algorithmic Aspects of Future Networks, University of Geneva, Switzerland (2015)

Δεκ 05, 2014 07:57

There is an opening for a highly motivated PhD student at the TCS Group of the Department of Computer Science of U. of Geneva, Switzerland supervised by Prof. Jose Rolim.

The successful candidate will be conducting research in the areas of Future Internet architectures, Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile Crowdsensing Systems and should have a solid background in algorithms, network theory and distributed systems. Also, he/she should be characterized by a team-spirit and should be self-motivated.

PhD Scholarships, IMDEA Networks Institute, Spain (2015)

Δεκ 05, 2014 07:34

IMDEA Networks Institute is a networking research institute whose multinational team is engaged in cutting-edge fundamental science. As a growing, English-speaking institute located in Madrid, Spain, IMDEA Networks offers a unique opportunity for pioneering scientists to develop their ideas.

Hellenic Observatory PhD Scholarship on Greece, London School of Economics (LSE), UK (2015-2016)

Δεκ 04, 2014 23:28

The Hellenic Observatory (HO) at the London School of Economics is delighted to announce the launch of the Hellenic Observatory PhD Scholarship on Greece to commence in the academic year 2015/16

The HO is offering one scholarship for a new full-time student commencing their ‘MPhil/PhD in European Studies’ at the LSE’s European Institute for 2015/16 entry.

15 PhD Fellowships in Parasite Infections, Free University of Berlin, Germany (2015)

Δεκ 04, 2014 22:06

The DFG Research Training Group 2046 “Parasite Infections: From Experimental Models to Natural Systems” offers 15 cutting edge PhD research projects on “One Health“ aspects of Parasite Infections. We aim to install a cutting edge curriculum to educate “next generation” parasitologists.


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