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25-16/05/2016 - Training Course: "Response to the auditing activity of the European Commission in FP7 and in Horizon 2020"(Milan)

Μάιος 03, 2016 14:17

This course will provide participants with the preparation necessary to deal with the control activities carried out by the European Commission and by firms in charge of certification of financial statements, in accordance with the EU regulatory framework and with international auditing procedures.

04-12/09/2016 - Training Course: “New Perspective on Employability” (Slovak Republic)

Μάιος 03, 2016 13:53

“New Perspective on Employability” is innovative training course for those who want to increase chances of young people on the labor market. You will explore how to support young people on their journey using coaching methods.

New Perspective on Employability is designed for people who are ready to learn, explore, discover and develop their skills and will be able to use it later in their jobs and communities.

27/06-04/09/2016 - Training Course:"Developing Entrepreneurial Abilities Laboratory" (Ireland&Greece)

Μάιος 02, 2016 12:55

This Training Course aims to create a safe learning environment where young people will be able to learn and experiment with ideas, methods, skills and tools bringing them closer to innovative entrepreneurship. Special emphasis will be given on developing their key competences. The project aims to ensure an entrepreneurial approach to solving social and environmental problems and to encourage and support the development of a new generation of social entrepreneurs.

26/09-01/10/2016 - Training Course: "The power of non formal education" (France)

Μάιος 02, 2016 12:50

Why this Training Course?
- To stimulate the participants to feel and reflect about the power of non-formal education (NFE) by experimenting different kind of non-formal educational methods
- To analyze the role and reception of NFE in our different countries within a common Europe.
- To discover and debate the European strategy of NFE.
- To fight against the growing consuming approaches towards young people in the non-formal education field.


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