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Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα

26-30/09/2016 - Mentoring for mentors. Share, focus and learn - quality mentorship training course (Turkey)

Μάιος 30, 2016 10:26

Mentoring for mentors training gathers together EVS mentors from program countries and South-Med countries and aims to develop their work as well give them new strength and confidence to work as a mentor.

Mentoring for mentors training provides the participants a detailed outline for the core mentoring skills e.g. relationship, practical, pedagogical and cultural awareness skills.

19-23/10/2016 - Training Course: Youth and School Exchanging (Poland)

Μάιος 30, 2016 10:17

Youth and School Exchanging Traing Course targeted at staff of organizations active in the youth field and lower and upper secondary schools interested in preparing projects containing youth exchanges in the field of Youth and School Education in Erasmus+ programme.

05-09/12/2016 - Training Course: Appetiser - An introduction on how to use the ‘Erasmus+ Youth in Action’ Programme for international youth work (Hungary)

Μάιος 30, 2016 10:09

Appetiser - An introduction on how to use the ‘Erasmus+ Youth in Action’ Programme for international youth work.

Giving a strong positive first experience of international youth projects to motivate the participants to use the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.

Appetiser aimes to give a strong positive first experience of international youth work and motivate participants to use Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.

24/07-1/08/2016 - Training Course: "Zoom In Interculturality" (Slovak Republic)

Μάιος 26, 2016 10:35

Media and most of all new media are taking a significant place in lives of the youth. Media are becoming their way of expression, socializing tool and a source of information, which strongly form their point of view at the World and reality.

Media active on internet are becoming a tool for disinformation spreading, halftruths and hateful statements against the members of ethnical groups, minorities or others.


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