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14-21/2/2015- Training Course: WAFER: Volunteer ACT! (Amarante, Portugal)

Δεκ 22, 2014 13:07

The project aims to empower young people and youth workers with skills and knowledge to design, develop and lead volunteer projects focused on active citizenship, from the idea to its implementation to give them active role in society.

"Youth projects for active citizenship” will gather 20 participants from at least 5 countries in Amarante, Portugal, for training of multipliers on youth international and volunteer projects.

16-21/3/2015- Training Course: MOJU YOU(th)NIVERSITY (Olhão, Portugal)

Δεκ 22, 2014 13:03

"MOJU YOU(th)NIVERSITY" is a space for debate, networking, training and exchange of experiences of youth workers and leaders. 6 days Training Course, 50 people from 25 different countries, including Programme Countries, South East Europe, Eastern Europe and Caucasus and Mediterrean Partner Countries, will gather in 2 simultaneous training courses in Olhão, Portugal from 16th to 21st March 2015.

“YesWeFacilitate!” - Training for facilitators on youth events for young people with fewer opportunities

10-14/3/2015- Training Course: Youth policy in practice (Split, Croatia)

Δεκ 22, 2014 13:00

To get together young people and decision makers active within Key action 3 - (former Action 5.1) in order to exchange their previous practice, give information about Key action 3 and develop transnational projects

5-11/3/2015- Training Course: Restart Peace (Serbia)

Δεκ 22, 2014 12:57

The aim of TC is intercultural dialog for better understanding intercultural, international and interreligious conflicts and tensions. We will use LIVING LIBRARY as a method of social intervention to promote respect for human rights and human dignity.


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