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30/6/-6/7/2015- Training Course: CONNECTOR 2.0 (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)

Απρ 28, 2015 16:33

This is the open call dedicated to the participants. If you want to apply as facilitator, check the facilitators open call available at

A learning event putting together youth workers, adult educators, school or vocational teachers, trainers and all type of learning facilitator that will work and learn together in interactive workshops and performances.

17-21/9/2015- Partnership-building Activity: Open Access (Paris, France)

Απρ 28, 2015 16:11

This seminar intends to help youth workers from NGO's working with young people with physical or mental disabilities :
. To discover opportunities provided by Erasmus + Youth programme
. To explore how Youth Exchange projects could be an educational tool in inclusion youth work
. To provide opportunities to find partners for future projects

16-23/6/2015- Training Course: Cherry on the Cake – Youth exchange in the context of a long-term work with inclusion groups (Bled, Slovenia)

Απρ 28, 2015 16:09

The 2nd international training course Cherry on the cake will focus on social inclusion in order to discover potential and understand the ways of using Youth Exchange as an opportunitiy for long term inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.
In this TC participants will:
• explore the place of Youth Exchange in the long term work with young people and its potential for inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities.

19-24/10/2015- Project Factory - Training course to develop cross-sectorial projects for youth at risk and in NEET situation (Athens, Greece)

Απρ 28, 2015 16:06

This training course will bring together 25 different stakeholders (formal, non-normal, social & business sector) to develop long-term partnerships and projects involving and targeting youth at risk and in NEET situation.

If you have experience in working on the issue of vulnerable young people in NEET situations (either face-to-face workers as well as managers/decision makers), then is this training course for you!


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