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2-3/6/2015- Conceptual considerations for a youth worker training-Partnership-building Activity (Eupen, Belgium - DE)

Απρ 27, 2015 17:13

In this networking event the participants will exchange their conceptual considerations for a youth worker training.
In a first step, the different partners make a description of the youth worker training in their country.
During the exchange of good practices the resemblances and differences will be identified to specify standards for youth work qualification.
In a next step the future challenges off youth work will be tackled, so that the participants can develop further the topics for a youth work training.

4-11/6/2015- C.A.S.T.! Community building, Awareness raising and Social inclusion through forum Theatre! (Kalamata, Greece)

Απρ 27, 2015 05:23

During the last years, the financial crisis all over Europe has created more “youth with fewer opportunities”, raising the unemployment rates in high percentages especially in the ages between 18-30. Youth are becoming demotivated, entering a negative psychological circle, which is reducing their employability skills and inhibits creativity.

28-31/10/2015-Nantes Creative Generation Forum for European Young Citizens (Nantes, France)

Μαρ 30, 2015 15:18

Deadline: 5 June 2015
Open to: participants aged 18-30 from Council of Europe member-states working on projects promoting living-together
Venue: 28-31 October 2015, Nantes, France

In response to this creative abilities of young people in Nantes and Europe-wide, the City of Nantes and Nantes Métropole launched the Nantes Creative Generations (NCG) Forum in 2009. The organizers are convinced that young Europeans and their projects represent the Europe of the future, and they are encouraging and supporting their initiatives.

12/09-21/11/2015 - Women PeaceMakers Program, Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ), U.S.A.

Μαρ 26, 2015 23:58

Applicants are invited to apply to a unique residency program from 12 September – 21 November 2015 for women engaged in peacebuilding and human rights in San Diego, USA. The Women PeaceMakers (WPM) Program at the Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ) involves learning, teaching and taking the time to narrate a personal, unique story of peacemaking.


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