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23-27/2/2015- Opening the Marketing Box: International Week 2015 at IPAM Porto | Erasmus Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training (Porto, Portugal)

Ιαν 07, 2015 09:12

IPAM – The Marketing School announces its 2nd International Week, to be held between 23rd and 27th of February 2015 in Porto - Portugal, directed to our national and international students, lecturers and staff.

The aim is to open IPAM Porto to partners and other foreign universities in order to exchange knowledge and strengthen international cooperation by encouragement the exchange of best practices and experiences.

14-21/2/2015- Training Course: WAFER: Volunteer ACT! (Amarante, Portugal)

Δεκ 22, 2014 13:07

The project aims to empower young people and youth workers with skills and knowledge to design, develop and lead volunteer projects focused on active citizenship, from the idea to its implementation to give them active role in society.

"Youth projects for active citizenship” will gather 20 participants from at least 5 countries in Amarante, Portugal, for training of multipliers on youth international and volunteer projects.

10-15/3/2015- GET IN NET Training Course on Management of a Transnational Youth Initiative Project (Czech Republic)

Δεκ 22, 2014 12:46

G.I.N. is a Network Training course developed within the framework of Youth Initiatives of the YiA, targeting management of a transnational youth initiative projects.

G.I.N. is a Network Training course open to all 35 National Agencies of Erasmus+ Programme. This is a Training Course developed within the framework of Transnational Youth Initiatives of the Erasmus+ programme (Key Action 2, Strategic Partnership) targeting young people (16-30) involved in an organization or informal group.

9-15/3/2015- CREATIVE SOLVING IDEAS (CSI): A training course about design thinking, data visualization and ideas management. (CEULAJ. Mollina (Málaga), Spain)

Δεκ 22, 2014 12:43

This is about design thinking model, visualization tools, data presentation, ideas management - all this while strengthening your creativity and innovation using your project ideas. Read more and apply before the deadline!


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