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17-24/6/2015- Training Course "Wanderful!" (Maria Stock Pilgrim Trail, Czech Republic)

Μάιος 12, 2015 00:09

Pilgrimage and outdoor guided activities as a tool for personal development, learning and transformation in youth work and training. Personal experience of a pilgrim who leaves all certainties behind and starts a journey out towards unknown landscapes.
youth workers, youth guides and mentors, personal development trainers, who:
- are interested in exploring the potential of pilgrimage and outdoor guided activities as a tool for personal development, learning and transformation,

24-31/7/2015- Training Course "NATURE OF EVS" (Sluňákov, Czech Republic)

Μάιος 12, 2015 00:04

Nature of EVS is a training course for 24 youth workers, trainers, project coordinators, mentors and National Agencies staff, who:
- are involved in work with EVS volunteers,
- want to deepen their understanding of the nature of EVS as a life journey and a service,
- are ready to explore and reflect on these topic in an experiential training course, in a community setting and in closer contact with nature,
- are able and ready to work in English,
- feel the call to work on the objectives mentioned below.

2-10/7/2015- Training Course "Green Power" (Tempio Pausania, Italy)

Μάιος 11, 2015 23:59

"Green Power" is a multi-activity conceived inside the main general framework of european cooperation in the youth field and is focused on the issues of green skills and green jobs as a new solution for employment, Youth Participation and Active Citizenship.

8/2015-International Theatre Academy (Cardiff, UK)

Μάιος 11, 2015 22:58

Performing arts venues and theatres around the world are experiencing change and rapid growth resulting in demand for skills development at every professional level. The British Council and Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama have collaborated to launch the International Theatre Academy. The mission of the International Theatre Academy is to provide professionals from around the world with the skills and knowledge necessary to increase the sustainability and growth of performing arts venues worldwide.


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