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PhD Positions, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck, Austria (2018)

Δεκ 15, 2017 11:52

Scientists and physicians of the Innsbruck campus, working in the related fields of Infection, Immunity,Transplantation and/or Biogerontology, have decided to join forces and have created a structured and multidisciplinary research and training programme of excellence (DK).

20 PhD Positions, LabEx SMP, France (2018)

Δεκ 15, 2017 11:44

MathInParis Doctoral programme will grant 20 PhD projects in mathematics and fundamental computer science.

The PhD projects will be supervised and supported by one (or more) researchers and hosted in one of the laboratories of the FSMP network. Fellows will enroll in one of the three Doctoral schools of Paris. 
The PhD project can also be in partnership with Industry.

A research visit abroad of at least two months will be mandatory and organized also in order to favorise the international visibility of the student.

PhD Positions, Digital Retail PERFORM A Marie Curie Training Network, Europe (2018)

Δεκ 14, 2017 13:25

PERFORM, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) launching in January 2018 will offer fifteen (15) PhD positions in five European countries. The project will prepare the next generation of Digital Retail Managers and tackle digital retail challenges through a combination of training and research. PhD candidates will get a unique international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral training in scientific and transferable skills by distinguished leaders from academia and industry.


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