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PhD Scholarships In Chemical Engineering - EPSRC And SFI CDT In Sustainable Chemistry: Atoms To Products

Ιαν 07, 2021 21:46

The EPSRC and SFI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Sustainable Chemistry: Atoms-2-Products, would like to invite suitably qualified and highly motivated applicants to apply for 48-month PhD studentships to work in one of three Research Thematic areas:

Down to Earth: Catalysis using Earth Abundant Metal
Psus – A Sustainable Phosphorus Future
Plastics from Plants Initiative (PPI)

PhD Positions on the function and regulation of RNA-containing membrane-less organelles

Ιαν 07, 2021 21:25

The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the leading life sciences institutes in the world. It consists of 30 groups and 500 employees that research how molecules and cells create life, spanning the scale from atom to organism. Founded in 1971, the Biozentrum has been the birthplace of many fundamental discoveries in biology and medicine, spawning several Nobel Laureates.

Two PhD student positions are available in the laboratory of Prof. Maria Hondele at the Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland.

2 PhD Positions in Experimental Quantum Physics

Ιαν 07, 2021 21:17

The strontium quantum gases group has two PhD positions in Experimental Quantum Physics.

2 PhD Positions on the ITEA project Inno4Health

Ιαν 07, 2021 21:15

Two PhD Positions Systemic Change Group, Department of Industrial Design, Data Mining Group, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

The department of Industrial Design is one of the nine departments of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Research at the department is focused on two areas or thematic clusters: Systemic Change and Future Everyday.


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