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2 PhD positions / Advanced Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry for Characterisation of Food

Δεκ 17, 2020 17:46

Wageningen University & Researc ia looking for two PhD students who will work on development of methodology and approaches for in-depth characterisation of food molecules using advanced ion mobility mass spectrometry. The Laboratory of Food Chemistry (FCH) at Wageningen University has recently obtained a state-of-the-art cyclic ion mobility mass spectrometry system, first of its kind to be installed in the Netherlands, which is to be used for analyses of complex food(-related) systems.

15 PhD positions in Translational Vision Science

Δεκ 17, 2020 17:44

It is essential to know what visually impaired individuals can do with their residual vision in daily life activities, otherwise known as their "functional vision". Conventional ophthalmic tests (e.g. visual field tests) are able to detect the extent of a visual defect, but they yield little information about functional vision. This lack of appropriate tests impedes the optimal practice of diagnostics (in ophthalmic and neurological care, in particular of children and elderly), rehabilitation and classification (essential in sports competitions).

Traineeships at the EU Delegation to the United States of America

Δεκ 17, 2020 17:34

Traineeships of up to 6 months within the following sections of the EU Delegation to the United States of America, starting in March 2021, subject to availability of the budget

Two PhD Student Positions in Applied Electronics with Focus on Machine Learning in Cooperative Embedded Systems

Δεκ 17, 2020 16:03

The Department of Applied Physics and Electronics of Umeå University conducts research in fields such as computer and electronics engineering, machine learning and embedded systems, as well as, energy technology, medical technology, and robotics.

‍It offers two Ph.D. student positions in applied electronics with focus on machine learning in cooperative embedded systems with a starting date as soon as possible or according to agreement. The positions opens on March 1st 2021 or as agreed.


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