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Two PhD Candidates on the Intersection of Model-Based Testing, Software Product Lines and High-Tech Systems

Οκτ 12, 2020 20:32

Interested in researching the latest model-based software testing techniques and applying them on advanced high-tech cyber-physical systems? Join us on the 'TiCToC' project - Testing in Times of Continuous Change. We are looking for two excellent PhD candidates on the intersection of model-based testing, software product lines and high-tech systems to conduct research on TiCToC topics, and carry out case studies at TiCToC industrial partners.

Postdocs / Research Scientists Digital and Computational Demography

Οκτ 12, 2020 12:48

The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) is recruiting highly qualified Post-Docs/Research Scientists, at various levels of seniority, to join the Lab of Digital and Computational Demography.

PhD positions in the EU Horizon 2020 MSCA European Training Network on Electromagnetic Risks in Medical Technology

Οκτ 12, 2020 12:45

Applications are invited for 4 PhD positions (“Early Stage Researchers”) at KU Leuven (Belgium) to be funded by the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “ETERNITY –European Training Network on Electromagnetic Risks in Medical Technology” within the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission.

Doctoral Fellows – Computer Science at Queen's University Belfast

Οκτ 12, 2020 12:40

These newly created, two-year posts aim to provide an opportunity for development for those wishing to progress to academic lectureship.

Having already demonstrated the potential to generate high quality research, this 2-year opportunity will be a blend of both practical on the job teaching and research experience championed by dedicated mentorship and support from Senior Academics within the School of EEECS.

The Role


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