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Postdoc Positions on Fostering Challenge-Based Learning at Eindhoven University of Technology

Ιουλ 20, 2020 19:39

The postdocs will work for a project granted as Comenius leadership Fellow to TU/e innovation Space ( The focus of the project is to develop a framework and means to make CBL a leading educational principle for the TU/e-community and transferable to other institutions. Important research questions that will be addressed are:

PhD Students in Machine learning for optimization at advanced lightsources at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron

Ιουλ 20, 2020 19:22

The positions are on the interface between algorithmic research with respect to state-of-the-art machine learning/optimization algorithms and its application to advanced free electron lasers and storage rings such as FLASH, the European XFEL and PETRA IV in Germany, LCLS and SPEAR at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in the USA. We are seeking for two highly motivated candidates who are bringing together these two fields in order to improve the performance of the free electron lasers and storage rings.

11 PhD Positions in Protease Research in Freiburg

Ιουλ 20, 2020 18:27

The Research Training Group 2606 entitled Understanding Protease Functions in Cellular Pathways through Discovery and Analysis of Protease Substrates (ProtPath) is a German Research Foundation (DFG)-funded doctoral program for research concerning proteases, their substrates, and their functions in biology and medicine. Biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, and proteomics are the key methodologies of our research endeavor.

23 PhD Fellowships in Physics at the University of Vienna

Ιουλ 20, 2020 18:24

The Vienna Doctoral School in Physics at the University of Vienna is offering 23 PhD positions in a large diversity of research fields.


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