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International Summer School Sarajevo 2020 in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Ιουν 03, 2020 08:54

Association “PRAVNIK” together with the partner organization Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Rule of Law Programme South East Europe will be offering the fully accredited International Summer School Sarajevo 2020 on “The Role of Transitional Justice In Rebuilding Human Rights and Rule of Law in Post-conflict Societies” between 4 – 15 August 2020 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Training Course: "Linguistic Workout!" in Spain

Ιουν 03, 2020 08:48

Training Course: "Linguistic Workout! English communication competences for transnational youth projects"
17-23 October 2020 | Mollina, Málaga, Spain

The aim of this training course is to provide practical tools to participants to improve their communication competences (skills, attitudes and knowledge) in English for international projects within ERASMUS+ and European mobility and lifelong learning programmes.

2 PhD fellowships in "Physics and Astronomy" and "Chemistry"

Ιουν 02, 2020 22:14

Applications are invited for two fully funded PhD fellowships/scholarships at Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark, one within the “Physics and Astronomy” programme (project 1) and the other (project 2) within the “Chemistry” programme. The positions are available from 1 November 2020 or later.

Further details:
2 PhD fellowships in "Physics and Astronomy" and "Chemistry"

4 PhD Positions at the TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology

Ιουν 02, 2020 22:12

The TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology – (Hannover, Germany) offers three PhD stipends in the PhD Training Network ”LernMINT: Data-assisted classroom teaching in STEM (MINT) subjects” (Prof. Ewerth, Visual Analytics Research Group) and one PhD stipend in the PhD Training Network “Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Society” (Prof. Auer, Data Science and Digital Libraries) to be filled as soon as possible.

Three PhD stipends are offered in the PhD network “LearnMINT”:


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