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PhD Positions in Adaptive optics in transmission electron microscopy at University of Antwerp

Απρ 17, 2020 13:03

The Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Applied Engineering are seeking to fill a full-time (100%) vacancies for

Doctoral scholarship holders in the areas Adaptive optics in transmission electron microscopy

Further details:
PhD Positions in Adaptive optics in transmission electron microscopy at University of Antwerp

PhD Positions in Plant Protein Chemistry and Functionality for Food at KU Leuven

Απρ 17, 2020 12:23

The Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry (LFCB) at KU Leuven has a long-standing tradition of cereal chemistry research. Over the years, our focus has expanded towards investigating other food constituents as well. A particular focus point has been to investigate structure-function, with an emphasis on techno-functionality, relationships of these food constituents. This allows steering food production processes towards a higher end product quality.

PhD Positions for highly qualified graduates at Utrecht University

Απρ 17, 2020 12:11

The Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology ICS offers fully funded PhD positions for a variety of projects. The PhD students will be appointed for a four-year period, with a formal evaluation at the end of the first year. In this period the graduates will work on their individual project, leading to a doctoral dissertation.

The programme (fully taught in English) will start September 1st, 2020.

PhD Positions for highly qualified graduates at University of Groningen

Απρ 17, 2020 12:07

The Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology ICS offers fully funded PhD positions for a variety of projects. The PhD candidates will be appointed for a four-year period, with a formal evaluation at the end of the first year.

Further details:
PhD Positions for highly qualified graduates at University of Groningen


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