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Internships at International Labour Organisation in Belgium

Μαρ 05, 2020 10:34

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) Brussels Office is offering a paid internship for a young graduate to join its team for three months from 1 April 2020 to 30 June 2020.
The internship will offer excellent learning opportunities and exposure. The intern will get hands-on experience in an international affairs environment, focussing both on advocacy and development partnerships.

Eligible applicants must

Training Course: "ETS Trainer Skills Workshop (TSW) - Coaching mind-set and coaching skills for trainers" in Germany

Μαρ 05, 2020 09:19

Training Course: "ETS Trainer Skills Workshop (TSW) - Coaching mind-set and coaching skills for trainers"
5-8 September 2020 | Hamburg, Germany

TSWs are for trainers having a long-term experience with training in the field of youth. The workshop is for trainers who wish to develop their competence with regard to particular areas/skills and transfer the learning to their youth work practice. Every time TSW has a different thematic focus for certain skills development.

Postdoc positions on Convergence for Health and Technology projects at Erasmus MC

Μαρ 05, 2020 08:13

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Erasmus MC and Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) have the ambition to become a worldwide frontrunner in convergence by:
Shaping the field of convergence, including the exploration of new research fields,
Educating the next generation of professionals on the intersection of technology, medical sciences, economy and management, attracting students worldwide;
Developing new business opportunities, supporting big transformations in health(care), and bringing new innovative solutions to society and its citizens globally.


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Erasmus Placement

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