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Summer Academy on OSCE in Austria

Μαρ 03, 2020 11:07

10 – 19 June 2020
The "Summer Academy on OSCE" is organised by Austrian Study Centre for Peace & Conflict Resolution (ASPR) under the Patronage of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

37 θέσεις εργασίας στον Ιδιωτικό Τομέα στο Εξωτερικό (03-03-2020)

Μαρ 03, 2020 10:54
Πτυχίο Πανεπιστημίου (4 θέσεις)
Product Development Lead

Seminar on Research Methodology in the Context of the European youth programmes in Germany

Μαρ 03, 2020 10:52

Seminar on Research Methodology in the Context of the European youth programmes
20-22 April 2020 | Berlin, Germany

The main aim of the seminar is to explore, discuss and further develop research methodologies of transnational, intercultural and interdisciplinary youth research in the context of the European youth programmes in preparation of the new programme generation.

Training Course: "Enhancing youth participation in local and regional life and community through digital tools" in Portugal

Μαρ 03, 2020 10:23

Training Course: "Enhancing youth participation in local and regional life and community through digital tools"
23-27 April 2020 | tbd, Portugal

This activity aims to contribute to value spaces and structures for the democratic participation of young people online, making them effective places for meaningful participation, reflection, creativity and positive community relation, promoting democratic citizenship.


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