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Seminar: "Let's Talk About Mental Health" in Norway

Φεβ 27, 2020 19:17

Seminar: "Let's Talk About Mental Health"
11-14 May 2020 | Tønsberg, Norway

The main aim of this Seminar is to equip youth workers (and those working with young people in settings that are relevant to youth work) with knowledge, skills and attitude on how to address mental health issues and to strengthen all young people’s mental health.

The objectives are:
- To learn ways to support positive mental health through well-being and healthy lifestyles,

- To share good practices on how to support the well-being of young people,

Training Course: "LET ME IN - Youth workers for inclusive Europe" in Poland

Φεβ 27, 2020 19:12

Training Course: "LET ME IN - Youth workers for inclusive Europe"
22-31 May 2020 | Poland

In societies that are getting more and more divided, there is a constant need to find new solutions to enhance inclusion of groups at risk. We as youth workers often lack capacities to reach out to vulnerable people and even if we do approach them, we do not possess proper methodologies to address their specific needs effectively.

Seminar: "Expert seminar on the past, present and future of validation of learning in the youth field" in Turkey

Φεβ 27, 2020 19:06

Seminar: "Expert seminar on the past, present and future of validation of learning in the youth field"
12-16 May 2020 | İstanbul, Turkey

Validation Calling is an international expert seminar for discussing the current situation and future perspectives related to the range of topics that have to do with the recognition and validation of the learning outcomes acquired in youth field.

The elements of the seminar Validation Calling include:
Update about the trends and policies in relation to recognition and validation in the youth field (and beyond);

Θέσεις εργασίας Μηχανικών στην Ελλάδα & στο Εξωτερικό

Φεβ 27, 2020 18:50

Η Dorian Strategic Partners που δραστηριοποιείται στον κλάδο διαχείρισης ακινήτων, ζητεί για το γραφείο της στη Ρόδο Πολιτικό Μηχανικό ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ. Η εργασία περιλαμβάνει διενέργεια, συντονισμό, επίβλεψη τεχνικών ελέγχων και τακτοποίηση αυθαιρέτων. Επιθυμητή η εμπειρία σε επιμετρήσεις ακινήτων και διαδικασία τακτοποίησης, η καλή γνώση αγγλικής και συντονιστικές ικανότητες. Αποστολή βιογραφικών:


Εγγραφή στο Εξωτερικό


Επαγγελματική Συμβουλευτική

Συγγραφή Βιογραφικού
Σύνταξη Επιχειρηματικού Σχεδίου

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