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Training Course: "Your Voice-Your Choice" in Norway

Φεβ 07, 2020 13:54

Training Course: "Your Voice-Your Choice"
3-8 May 2020 | Utøya, Norway

How can young people learn to participate? How do we engage young people in social and democratic processes in local communities? Which role does non-formal learning play in this?

This project is an opportunity for youth workers and young leaders over 18 years old involved in youth participation work and/or interested in the topics of human (and children) rights, active citizenship, community development, democracy and policy making.

Training Course: "ETS Trainer Skills Workshop: Well-being in training practices" in Austria

Φεβ 07, 2020 13:49

Training Course: "ETS Trainer Skills Workshop: Well-being in training practices"
5-8 May 2020 | Yspertal, Austria

This Trainer Skills Workshop intends to expand trainers’ practice exploration with regard to how they deal with well-being in training. It aims to equip them with the necessary skills to plan and approach 'well-being' as part of the learning process.

Seminar: "Meeting of the National Working Groups EU Youth Dialogue" in Romania

Φεβ 07, 2020 13:45

Seminar: "Meeting of the National Working Groups EU Youth Dialogue"
20-22 May 2020 | Bucharest, Romania

A two and a half day meeting dedicated to representatives of the EU Youth Dialogue National Working Group consisting of a mix of training, networking and information sessions.

Enhance the effectiveness of the EU Youth Dialoge and the cooperation among the NWGs.

Exploring the results of the current EU Youth Dialoge cycle and creating connections for the next cycle from the NWG perspective


Εγγραφή στο Εξωτερικό


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