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Doctoral Researchers at Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics

Ιαν 08, 2020 23:36

The Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) in Kühlungsborn/Germany is an independent member of the Leibniz Association with its research focus in the middle atmosphere. The IAP offers different

Doctoral Researcher Positions

to be filled for the duration of three years. The positions cover 66% of a full position (with option of extension to 75%) and are partly subject to approval by the funding agencies. Remuneration will be based on German public service salary scale TV-L up to salary group 13. Temporal limits are based on public law (§ 2 WissZeitVG).

Open PhD positions in Business Administration, Economics and Finance at Stockholm School of Economics

Ιαν 08, 2020 23:31

The Stockholm School of Economics has been ranked by Financial Times as one of the best business schools in Europe and enjoys a strong international reputation. World-class research forms the foundation of SSE’s educational offering, which includes Bachelor, Master, PhD, MBA, and Executive Education programs.

Please note that applications for the PhD programs in Business Administration, Economics and Finance are now being accepted:

PhD Program in Business Administration

PhD Program in Economics

PhD Program in Finance

Two Postdoctoral Researcher Positions In The Cell Adhesion And Cancer Laboratory at University of Turku

Ιαν 08, 2020 23:21

Applications are invited for two postdoctoral researchers to join the group of Prof Johanna Ivaska ( to work on ongoing and new exciting projects in cancer biology and nucleomechanical regulation of cell states. These projects are linked to a recently funded Academy of Finland Molecular Regulatory Networks of Life consortia with the Wickström lab (University of Helsinki).


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