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PhD positions at the International Max Planck Research School for Heart and Lung Research in Germany

Δεκ 10, 2019 15:07

The International Max Planck Research School for Heart and Lung Research (IMPRS-HLR) offers up to ten positions to talented and enthusiastic students holding a relevant Master‘s degree. Being the leading educational platform of the renowned Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research (Bad Nauheim, Germany), the PhD program brings together experts from all over the world. Thus, the intense cooperation with both affiliated universities, Goethe University in Frankfurt and the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, provides a vivid scientific environment throughout your PhD.

2 PhD positions in the area of Global Dimming and Brightening at ETH Zurich

Δεκ 10, 2019 11:46

The Institute for Atmospheric and Climate science has an opening for 2 PhD positions in the area of Global Dimming and Brightening.

2 PhD Research Positions at University of Cologne

Δεκ 10, 2019 11:43

The University of Cologne is one of the largest and most research-intensive universities in Germany, offering a wide range of subjects. With its six faculties and its interfaculty centres, it offers a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines and internationally outstanding profile areas, supported by the administration with its services.

2 Positions within the NWO Vidi Project Inequality Against Freedom at Erasmus University Rotterdam

Δεκ 10, 2019 11:40

Your primary responsibility will be to write a PhD dissertation in political philosophy under the supervision of dr. Nicholas Vrousalis. Your dissertation will advance a thesis related to the political theory of work, markets, and the workplace, against the background of recent debates about the relationship between freedom and economic inequality.


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