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PhD candidate positions in Organismal Biology at International Max Planck Research School for Organismal Biology

Δεκ 05, 2019 09:16

The International Max Planck Research School for Organismal Biology (IMPRS), a joint cooperation between the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen, the newly founded Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior with two research sites in Radolfzell and Konstanz, and the Department of Biology at the University of Konstanz, are seeking doctoral candidates (f/m/d).

PhD Studentships - Horizon Centre For Doctoral Training In Creating Our Lives In Data at University Of Nottingham

Δεκ 05, 2019 09:12

The EPSRC funded Creating Our Lives in Data programme is establishing technologies and methods to enable producers and consumers in the Digital Economy to co-create smarter products in smarter ways, to re-establish trust in the use of personal data. Smarter products combine physical and digital technologies to deliver personalised blends of goods, services and user experiences. These are made through co-creation and data creativity in which consumers actively engage in shaping the products they use.

PhD Studentships In Chemistry EPSRC And SFI CDT In Sustainable Chemistry

Δεκ 05, 2019 09:08

The EPSRC and SFI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Sustainable Chemistry: Atoms-2-Products would like to invite suitably qualified and highly motivated applicants interested in working in one of four thematic areas: Spectroscopy for Process Intensification and Optimisation; Batteries for a Sustainable Future; Chemical and Biological Recycling of Plastics; and Dial-A-Catalyst.

Two Postdoctoral Researchers at University of Helsinki

Δεκ 05, 2019 09:04

The research group of Adj. Prof. Anne Salonen at HUMI is looking for

two Postdoctoral researchers

to work on human gut microbiome data processing, analysis and integration.

Further details:
Two Postdoctoral Researchers at University of Helsinki


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