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Eurofound Graduate Traineeships 2020

Νοε 24, 2019 23:48

Trainees are engaged to work in different units of Eurofound. All trainees have supervisors who act as mentors, ensuring that the trainee is integrated into the team and assigning work that is suited to the trainee’s background.

Further details:
Eurofoumd Graduate Traineeships 2020

2 Doctoral Positions in History and Theory of Architecture at ETH Zurich

Νοε 24, 2019 23:22

The Department of Architecture at ETH Zurich is offering two new positions for the Doctoral Program in the History and Theory of Architecture.

The program’s focus is on the history and theory of architecture and urbanism in a wider context of cultural history, including the history and theory of art, science and technology. The selected candidates will be enrolled at ETH Zurich. The position will start on 1 October 2020. The positions are available for a duration of 3 years.

Doctoral Students in Multilingualism at Linnaeus University

Νοε 24, 2019 23:08

The Department of Languages and the Department of Swedish are both parts of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, which is one of five faculties at Linnaeus University. The departments within the faculty work together in a linguistics environment that includes students on all levels and produce well-received research. The four applicants hired as doctoral students are expected to actively take part in the research environment on the campus in Växjö.

PhD Research Fellows In Popular Music at University of Agder

Νοε 24, 2019 22:50

The University of Agder, Faculty of Fine Arts, invites applications for up to 6 positions as PhD Research Fellow in Popular Music at the Department of Popular Music for a period of three years, or four years with 25% required duties. At present, the position is located at Campus Kristiansand. Starting date by appointment.

Further details:
PhD Research Fellows In Popular Music at University of Agder


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