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Hertog Weekend Seminars

Νοε 21, 2019 10:50

Hertog Weekend Seminars provide undergraduates, graduate students, and young professionals with the rare opportunity to engage in high-level intellectual discussion and debate on the most influential works in political thought and the most pressing policy issues facing the United States with renowned scholars, leading experts, and a community of peers from across the country.

Not a lecture or a conference, each seminar is centered around in-depth, student-driven dialogue on a set of curated readings. Seminars typically begin on a Friday evening and conclude Sunday afternoon.

2 Postdoctoral Researchers at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Helsinki

Νοε 21, 2019 10:25

Professor Miia Lindström’s research group focus on molecular, epidemiological, ecological, and evolutionary facets of spore-forming and psychrotrophic food-borne pathogenic bacteria, with an emphasis on Clostridium botulinum and Listeria monocytogenes. We have an open position for a postdoctoral researcher in an ERC-funded project focusing on the mechanisms and regulation of C. botulinum neurotoxin production.

Training Course: "Practicing Coaching training" in Netherlands

Νοε 21, 2019 09:45

Training Course: "Practicing Coaching training"
26 March - 1 April 2020 | Ommen, Netherlands

The Practicing Coaching training is designed with the aim of facilitating personal and professional growth for people who are involved or interested in coaching. This training is intended to help you to improve your abilities as a coach and a mentor.


Εγγραφή στο Εξωτερικό


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