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Hardiman PhD Scholarships, National University of Ireland (NUI), Galway, Ireland (2016)

Οκτ 23, 2015 13:08

The Hardiman Research Scholarships and Dr Tony Ryan Research Scholarships are fully funded for four years, with a stipend of €16,000 p.a. plus fees. The Scholarships offer opportunities for suitably qualified individuals to pursue a Structured PhD focused on the five key areas of research in which the University offers leading expertise. These are:

Fifteen (15) PhD Positions in Biology, Medicine & Bioengineering, University of Zurich, Switzerland (2016)

Οκτ 23, 2015 13:02

“Regulation of red cell life-span, erythropoiesis, survival, senescence and clearance” (Acronym RELEVANCE) is an international consortium of thirteen partners representing academic research centres, diagnostic labs, blood supply centres, and small industries that combines basic and translational research to improve prognostic, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches on red blood cells production, function, and clearance in healthy humans and patients.

PhD Scholarships, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, UK (2016)

Οκτ 23, 2015 12:33

The Radcliffe Department of Medicine at the University of Oxford is a large multi-disciplinary Department that links high quality basic biological science with medical applications. In the recent Research Exercise Framework (REF) the University of Oxford ranked top for the overall quality of our submissions in Clinical Medicine.

PhD & Postdoctoral Positions, MRC Harwell - Medical Research Council, UK (2016)

Οκτ 23, 2015 12:26

MRC Harwell, composed of the Mammalian Genetics Unit and the Mary Lyon Centre, is an international centre for mouse genetics at the forefront of research into disease, development and ageing. We are recruiting PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, technical specialists, bioinformaticians and a statistician to conduct research in a number of areas including:


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