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Open Vacancy at World Vision

Ιουλ 10, 2019 21:05

World Vision, a humanitarian, development and advocacy organisation devoted to improving the lives of children, families and their communities around the world seeks for a Response Director to provide strategic leadership for the design, implementation and funding of World Vision’s Partnering Response in Yemen.

Location: Ιnitially for first 6 months in Nicosia (Cyprus), with possible relocation to Yemen or Jordan later.

2 Trainees at European Investment Fund

Ιουλ 10, 2019 13:49

The European Investment Fund (EIF) is seeking to recruit for its Risk Management - Compliance – Transaction and Ethics - Compliance Risk Assessment Unit, at its headquarters in Luxembourg:

Two (2) Trainees

Each for a period of five (5) months (starting in August 2019).

Further details:
2 Trainees at European Investment Fund

PhD Positions, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Germany (2019)

Ιουλ 10, 2019 13:30

The International Max Planck Research School IMPRS “From Molecules to Organisms” program is offered by the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in conjunction with the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory and the Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen, Germany.

The special feature of our program is its emphasis on interdisciplinary interactions. We want to train the next generation of scientists to study complex biological processes that cannot be adequately understood within the limits of a single discipline.


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