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Postdoctoral Fellowships in Health Life Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway (2019)

Μάιος 23, 2019 13:16

SCIENTIA FELLOWS is a research fellowship programme in the field of Health Life Sciences launched and managed by the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Oslo. It is partly funded by the EU Horizon 2020 under the Maria Skłodowska-Curie scheme – Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes (COFUND).

With this Call we are inviting talented experienced researchers to apply for one of the 54 fellowship positions at UiO or other partner organisation.
We offer:

EFSA Traineeships Call 2019

Μάιος 23, 2019 12:30

Τhe European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), based in Parma, Italy is opening positions for Trainees (All Units and Departments)

Are you a young graduate looking for a challenging experience in a stimulating, dynamic and multicultural working environment? Do you want to contribute to our effort to keep the food of more than 500m people safe?

PhD Positions, University Medical Center Rotterdam, Netherlands (2019)

Μάιος 23, 2019 12:22

Three-dimensional ultrasound is a very powerful imaging technique, but it requires transducers that accommodate thousands of sensors and complex hardware which restricts its use to specialized clinical applications in developed countries. Manufacturing this type of transducers is complex and very costly. In this project we propose a novel approach that can overcome this limitation and make 3D imaging simply available to any application by making use of a technique called compressive sensing.

Research Fellowships, International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, U.S.A. (2019)

Μάιος 23, 2019 12:05

ICNC’s Doctoral, Post-Doctoral and Junior Faculty Research Fellowship enables selected researchers to carry out research on civil resistance and/or conduct a study that can benefit from a civil resistance perspective. The fellowship is expected to lead to a peer-review publication in the form of a journal article, book or a book chapter.


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