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PhD Positions, Graduate School of Quantitative Biosciences Munich, Germany (2019)

Μάιος 03, 2019 21:27

The Graduate School of Quantitative Biosciences Munich (QBM) has open PhD Positions for students with a background in biochemistry, biology, bioinformatics, physics or applied math and an interest in conducting interdisciplinary research at the interface of experiment and quantitative theory.

22 PhD Positions in Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy (2019)

Μάιος 03, 2019 21:25

Our Programme ( is currently seeking applicants for 23 fully-funded PhD positions; additional grants may be available within the same call for application at a later stage (after May 21st). Candidates with scholarship (net salary 1.325 euro/month) will receive extra- funding (550 euro/month) for research periods abroad, and all positions will benefit from financial aid for research materials and conferences, and are free of tuition fees.

PhD Scholarships, Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, Germany (2019)

Μάιος 03, 2019 21:20

Among the goals pursued by the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law is to promote research and academic exchange with foreign scholars. In this framework, to assist particularly young scholars further advance their research activity, the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg offers a limited number of scholarships for foreign doctoral candidates to support their research stay at the Institute for up to six months in the calendar year 2020.

3 PhD Positions, Radboud University, Netherlands (2019)

Μάιος 03, 2019 21:17

We are looking for highly motivated candidates to enrich a unique consortium of researchers that aims to cross the boundaries of various disciplines to unravel the neurocognitive mechanisms of language and its interaction with other cognitive systems. This specific project aims to advance our understanding of the mechanisms of fast, flexible linguistic inference by leveraging recent major advances in our understanding of the representations and computations necessary for sequential model-based action planning.


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