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Research Fellowships, Durham University, UK (2019)

Απρ 12, 2019 10:45

The Institute of Advanced Study is one of Durham University’s flagship interdisciplinary research institutes, providing a central forum for debate and collaboration across the entire disciplinary spectrum. It seeks to catalyse new ideas by bringing together world-leading researchers from all disciplines to work with Durham scholars on collaborative projects of major intellectual, scientific, political and practical significance.

Master in European Project Planning & Management, Pixel, Italy (2019)

Απρ 12, 2019 10:41

Interested in an International Career?

Enroll in the 8th edition of the International Master in European Project Planning and Management.

Since the first edition of the Master, organized in 2012, 170 graduate students of 40 nationalities, worldwide, were involved.

The objective of the Master is to provide participants with the skills to successfully work in the field of international cooperation, through the use of European funding programs.

30 PhD Positions, Netherlands Earth System Science Center, Netherlands (2019)

Απρ 12, 2019 10:18

The Netherlands Earth System Science Centre has 30 exciting and challenging PhD positions available, partly subsidized by the EU H2020 Marie S. Curie Cofund program. The PhD positions will be hosted at one of the NESSC research institutes in the Netherlands: Utrecht University, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Radboud University Nijmegen, VU University Amsterdam or Wageningen University. There are 30 PhD positions available, of which 15 at Utrecht University, focusing on climate research, available to choose from.


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