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Global Summer School Program 2019 at Michigan State University

Απρ 10, 2019 13:32

The Visiting International Professional Program (VIPP) at Michigan State University is pleased to announce the 2019 Global Summer School Program!

VIPP added two new programs, now offering a total of 6 programs for international students during the 2019 Summer term:

15 PhD Positions, EU Marie Curie ITN Inextvir, Europe (2019)

Απρ 10, 2019 13:15

The successful candidates will be hosted by a member of a European Consortium of universities, research institutions and companies in Belgium, France, Spain, Slovenia and the UK.

Postdoctoral Positions, Umea University, Sweden (2019)

Απρ 10, 2019 13:01

The Cava lab at The Laboratory of Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) and the Department of Molecular Biology (Umeå University) studies cell wall biology and genetics in bacteria. Our goal is to improve the inventory of players in cell wall biogenesis, remodelling and regulation, characterize the function and interplay of known components, and evolve our work into quantitative studies and computational modelling. Gathered data will have an extraordinary potential as novel targets for the development of antimicrobials.

5 PhD Positions, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Germany (2019)

Απρ 10, 2019 12:01

The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) "The Exploration of Ecological Interactions with Molecular and Chemical Techniques" in Jena, Germany, invites applications for 5 PhD positions beginning in October 2019 – January 2020. The overarching research topic is the use of molecular, chemical and neurobiological techniques to experimentally explore ecological interactions under natural conditions. The main focus is on the relationship between plants, microbes and herbivores, and their environment, as well as the evolutionary and behavioral consequences of these interactions.


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