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Online training: "Inclusive Educational Practices in Online Spaces"

Μάιος 14, 2021 15:34

Online training: "Inclusive Educational Practices in Online Spaces"
25-27 May 2021

The training aims to equip youth workers and people working in education and training with innovative methods and tools, and to improve their skills in relation to integration practices of young people at risk (with a migrant background or other).

Online Workshops: "inSPIre Week for Inclusion"

Μάιος 14, 2021 15:25

Online Workshops: "inSPIre Week for Inclusion"
28 June - 2 July 2021 | Online, Ireland

Get fresh inclusion ideas at the 'inSPIre Week for Inclusion'

Are you working with young people with fewer opportunities? You are not the only one! Come and discover how other organisations reach out and work with NEET, rural youth and young people with diverse abilities/health conditions.

Training Course: "Stairways To Trainers" in Estonia

Μάιος 14, 2021 15:22

Training Course: "Stairways To Trainers"
20-29 June 2021 | Viljandimaa, Estonia

SToT is a 10 days training course aiming at empowering and building up the competences of educational practitioners to design, facilitate and evaluate meaningful educational activities in youth work, also focusing on digital youth work.

Training Course: "Let's go civic! Youth Exchanges for Civic Engagement" in Germany

Μάιος 14, 2021 15:19

Training Course: "Let's go civic! Youth Exchanges for Civic Engagement"
8-12 November 2021 | near Bonn, Germany

The idea of the training course... owed to the current situation in Europe and the need to promote awareness of democracy, participation and critical thinking about political and social issues as well as to enable youth to play an active role in political life.


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