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PhD Scholarships in Life Sciences, International Max Planck Research School IMPRS “From Molecules to Organisms”, Germany (2016)

Ιαν 01, 2016 19:11

The special feature of our 3-year PhD program is its emphasis on interdisciplinary interactions. We want to train the next generation of scientists to study complex biological processes that cannot be adequately understood within the limits of a single discipline. Traditionally separate fields covered include:

- Biophysics
- Structural, molecular and cellular biology
- Biochemistry and genetics
- Bioinformatics, genomics and proteomics
- Evolutionary biology

Head of Veterinary Medicines Department at the European Medicines Agency (London, UK)

Ιαν 01, 2016 10:56

The Agency is looking to recruit a Head of its Veterinary Medicines Department within the Veterinary Medicines Division. The division currently comprises a single department that oversees the assessment and maintenance of veterinary medicines that are authorised through the European Union central authorisation procedure.

The European Medicines Agency is a decentralised body of the European Union located in London. Its core responsibility is the protection and promotion of public health through the evaluation and supervision of medicines.

Closing Date: 04-01-2016

Junior Scientific Officer at the European Food Safety Authority (Parma, Italy)

Ιαν 01, 2016 09:58

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), based in Parma, Italy is looking for a

Junior Scientific Officer (Junior Officer Position - Contract Agent FG IV)

Closing Date: 04-01-2016

Further details:

Traineeship Programme from The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (Sweden)

Δεκ 31, 2015 19:23

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control offers a Traineeship Programme targeted towards recent university graduates who are at the beginning of a new professional career. The purpose of the programme is to provide trainees with an understanding of the Centre and its role within the activities of the European Union while also providing an opportunity to acquire practical knowledge and professional experience.

The agency welcomes applications from candidates with a background relating to all of the activities of the Agency.


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